Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Museum Team Project on LUMA

Museum Team Project on LUMA

                In the beginning of a museum team project, my team members, Aron, Diven and Joel, and I were just looking for a museum which is close and comfortable to visit for free. But while I was researching about each museum, I found that it is quite difficult to get all merits to see an exhibition and to make a good presentation. After a long research, I finally found out some interesting exhibitions in Loyola University--The Shakers in Chicago and 
Francis W. Parker School: Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten. We scheduled our visit to the Loyola University Museum of Art (LUMA) and planned out each member's duty. But on the day visiting LUMA, we were quite in a bad condition because we just had finished our mid-term exam last night and some had done till this morning. When we managed to reach the museum, I thought the scale of the museum was quite small than I thought. Its exterior was antique, but its inside was modern. Soon, we faced another problem. We couldn't take any picture of the exhibition! So I had no way but to write down just notes. 

                As soon as I entered the exhibition, a traditional Shaker music came into my ears smoothly. This made me to concentrate more on each pieces of the collection. The first section showed about Shaker drawings and musics. Those were all related to superstitions and Gods. The next section was about Shaker architecture. All chairs, shelves, tables etc. were made up of cherry, maple and pine. This made those look old but elegant. The last section was about Shaker lifestyle like cooking. It showed what they used in their kitchens. Their treads, cooking materials and other things looked more natural than today's ones. Those were also made up of the same trees as they used for making furniture. 

                 Like an old saying, it never rains but it pours, the second floor exhibition where we could take pictures, was not related to the Shakers. At that time, I thought we only had to present only one exhibition from a museum. The second floor was about the Collections of European art during the Renaissance and the Medieval. It also had some interesting artworks too. The one that caught my eye was the painting named Madonna and Child with Cherubs. It was shinning from a far distance. And it was the only outstanding painting among all. 

                 Viewing Francis W. Parker School: Junior Kindergarten and Senior Kindergarten Collection for the last, we took a picture in front of the museum and dismissed. It was fun, although we had gone through a lot of problems.

Madonna and Child with Cherubs

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