Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Art Institute of Chicago Review


 The Art Institute of Chicago Review
                    The most recognized landmark of Chicago is the Art Institute of Chicago(AIC). Whoever sees this museum for the first time, the person will be fascinated by the shape of it and will not be able to stop pressing the shutter of a camera. The building seems like an antique structure with two lion statuses on each side of it.
                    From Gallery 201 to 246, there were many paintings from Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso and so on. The first painting I saw, as soon as I entered Gallery 201, was Paris Street: Rainy Day by Gustave Caillebotte. As it was representing a rainy day, the atmosphere of it was tranquil. The green street-light in the painting was outstanding in it because it was positioned in the middle which seemed like dividing it as half and half. Gallery 241 was Vincent Van Gogh's section. There were about 9 paintings of his but all of them showed the same technique of painting. Normally, oil painting and other types of painting produce two-dimensional artworks. However,  his works were painted so thick that those looked as if they were three-dimensional. In Gallery 243, it was full of Claude Monet's work. I was surprised by how he presented the same material, wheat stacks, in different mood. They all showed each distinctive atmosphere. But all of those, I especially got attracted to Water Lily Pond. Its bright colors and uneven thickness of oil painting created a real water lily pond in front of me.
                    After exhibiting the Modern Art Galleries, I had to present one painting with my partner, Han. Although we had difficulty on choosing an artwork, at last, we decided to have a presentation on Time Transfixed by René Magritte. It was not easy to describe and interpret it with our perspective and idea. But, at the end, I realized that the presentation actually provided an opportunity to look at the painting more carefully and deeply using our thoughts. Even though the presentation was a mess, it gave me a good lesson.
                    Overall, it was a very short exhibition as we explored only few galleries. So I will definitely go to the AIC again to see more artworks to broaden my experience and to make my life living with art.

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