Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Art 21/ Artist III: Arturo Herrera

Art 21/ Artist III: Arturo Herrera

         Arturo Herrera, a Venezuelan visual artist, first started his visual work by collage. Collage was an unlimited art material for him because all he needed for it were a glue, X-acto blade, scissors and paper. And this led his artistic character to develop further. Through out the video, he explains that images shows the same to all the viewers but what they find and feel are different. He comments, "I think there is a potential for these images to communicate different things to different viewers in a very touching way. But that experience is not a public experience. It is very private and very personal." And I strongly agreed with him. I thought that images which reminds viewers' memory are the most powerful visual language than the others. From what he said and what I learned from the textbook, I could remind again that art is not everything but depends on viewers. 

                One of Arturo Herrera's subject, Walt Disney's cartoons, is a piece of childhood memory for people. And he used this to drag up their memories and feel those from his artwork. I realized how well he communicated with viewers. He did not make art only for him, but also for people. He used abstraction to become a viable language of visual communication. And he believed in its potential. 

 Arturo Herrera Untitled, 1998 collage 9? x 12?

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