Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Art 21/ Artist IV: Robert Ryman

Art21/ Artist IV: Robert Ryman

                    "The real purpose of painting is to give pleasure," said Robert Ryman,
 an American painter. "I mean that's really the main thing it is about. That can be a story. There can be a lot of history behind it. But you don't have to know all these things to see the pleasure from the painting. It's like listening to music. You don't have to know the score of a symphony in order to appreciate the symphony. You can just listen to the sound."

                    'In order to appreciate art, viewers need knowledge because art is the expression of artists with their intention and communication between the artists and the viewers,' I thought. But he gave me totally different answer about art. He explains that seeing the pleasure is not a hard thing because it is just what it shows. 

                    Robert Ryman is an artist who does not use assistants for his artwork. He wants to know what is going on all the time while working on his artwork. He is a perfectionist. The main interest for him was not art from the beginning. It was music. He thinks music brought him into the art world. And throughout the video, he does not lose his smile. His working place is always has his chuckling sound. I could see how he was enjoying art, as if he was listening to cheerful music. 

                   I was surprised of his artwork because white was the most occupying color in his canvas. He said, "In painting, something has to look easy, even though it might not be easy." The primary color of a canvas, white, seems simple. But how he mixed colors in it makes viewers to look over his work again. They will find details and something different from a pure white. His colors create texture on it. And this makes his artwork more enjoyable. 

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